Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wisconsin Power Play

The article was about the protests and fighting thats been going on in wisconsin the past couple of weeks. The Governor wants to cut and completely get rid of the union workers in wisconsin. He wants the goverment to just eliminate the unions that reside in wisconsin. He is doing this because he wants power and thats all he wants. He is just cracking his whip and trying to show everyone that he has the power and thats all he cares. I personally think that unions are important. I like the idea of them. I do know that in a union lazy people are protected and they dont have to work hard and they has good job security but with a union they protect you against favoritism and racism and sexism and it allows you to have better job security. If you arent in a union they can fire you without reason. In a union they cant they have to have enough cause to can your ass to do so. So i like the idea of unions and i think they are important.

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