Monday, February 28, 2011

Jonesboro Shooting

The story goes that two kids aged 11 and 13. Shoot up a school in jonesboro arkansas. One ran to near by woods with all the guns and the other pulled the fire alarm and then ran to the woods to met up with the other. While all the students and teachers ran out they began to shoot upon the crowd. 5 people where shot and killed while 11 where injured. The two shooters where sentenced till they where 21 since then the arkanas law has been changes to hold youth longer due to this act of crime. I think this shows that no matter what age the crime should reflect the punishment. Any one can plan an attack and kill people. So i think the punishment should definitely reflect the crime.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Deadliest year for deadliest catch

Just today one of the crew members of time bandt of the discovery's new show deadliest catch was found dead in a alaskian hotel room. He was suspected to have had a party there the night before and he had a bag of weed and booze in the refrigerator. This dead is one of many and also one of the few problems the crews of this show has faced. The biggest was Phil passing away, then his son jake had a dwi and went to treatment. The discovery channel sued the captions on the time bandt for time that they wasted. One crew member was jailed for a bank robbery and a film crew member was caught selling 300 bucks worth of cocain. This show is one of my favorites and its starting to have tons of problems behind the scenes but i think its going to be alright.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Woodbury Students busted for drinking

I believe that they followed the frazer or tinker standard. The kid used it during school, and it was a vulgar thing and it was a teacher concern because he showed the pictures in class.

I do agree with the article on posting it and that it shows that there are some stupid people out there and they shouldnt post things like this to facebook.

I feel that it should be a suspention but there should be some kind of punishment there. I believe that school shouldnt beable to do anything about it, but the law should.

I dont think there will be any. I think kids will contiously post things like this publicly and people will discover them. I think that Kids will do stupid things like this so there is no reason to do anything like it. school wise i believe they should be able to do anything.

You really dont have any rights in school. Some things yes but one way or another they will find a way to get you in trouble if they want to.

You have more rights outside of school then you do inside. I believe that you can do more and say more and not get in trouble for somethings out side of school then if your inside of school.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We will take notes on Broadcast Journalism Law/Ethics

1. What are the 5 freedoms of the 1st amendment?
Speech, Religion, Press, Assemble, Grevances

2. What is the Tinker Standard?
Doesnt disrupt class, or school

3. What is the Frasier Standard?
vulgar or indecent

4. What is the Hazelwood Standard?
Related to teaching concerns

5. What is the Frederick Standard?
Rights inside of and outside of school

6. What is the definition of libel?
.Something that you said or wrote that was false. defamatory. Something that actually hurts there reputation. Must be about the plantiff and made with fault.

Wisconsin Power Play

The article was about the protests and fighting thats been going on in wisconsin the past couple of weeks. The Governor wants to cut and completely get rid of the union workers in wisconsin. He wants the goverment to just eliminate the unions that reside in wisconsin. He is doing this because he wants power and thats all he wants. He is just cracking his whip and trying to show everyone that he has the power and thats all he cares. I personally think that unions are important. I like the idea of them. I do know that in a union lazy people are protected and they dont have to work hard and they has good job security but with a union they protect you against favoritism and racism and sexism and it allows you to have better job security. If you arent in a union they can fire you without reason. In a union they cant they have to have enough cause to can your ass to do so. So i like the idea of unions and i think they are important.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Thank you for using the SPLC's Test Your Knowledge of Student Press Law. You answered 6 of 30 questions correctly.

I thought this test was really hard. Compared to the other test. I think i know more about the laws then how they came about. I Think that i should know these things but if you look at how they came about its really not that important. So thats what i think about this quiz.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The amendments Quiz

Thank you for using the SPLC's Test Your Knowledge of the First Amendment. You answered 18 of 30 questions correctly.

I thought the test would have been easier and not as hard but some questions were over the top. I learned that the 1st amendment protects against alot more then i thought. I thought that it had some restrictions but i guess it really doesn't. I know that there are some laws that states have on things that dont allow somethings that the 1st amendment protect but i still learned that the amendment protects against everything.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lance Armstrong finally done

After winning 7 tour de france titles and coming up short last year lance decides he's calling it quites. He calles his lates retire 2.0 because he attemped to retire last year but came back. I feel sorry for him that he didnt get 8 but thats still more then anyone that still races and the overall acheivement that he defeated cancer. The main reason for his comeback last year was all the performance enhancing drugs, that they didnt in prove his stills that he had to take for his cancer. He may have lost but he shut up alot of the people that were talking an showed everyone that he is just that great. So to you Lance i hope you have a great retirement and i hope you stay retired and dont turn into brett Favre!!!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

February Thaw! Temps hit 48 in minny

The temps hit in the upper 40's this weekend. This early thaw was all over minnesota regions. International falls reached a record high which was 46, beating old temp at 46. This thaw has made me wish and hope for the spring to come and the freezing temps to be over. I love winter and the cold but for the last couple months its been miserably cold. So i am glad that it is warming up and i really hope that spring comes quicker this year and the snow to melt faster. Spring and summer couldnt come any quicker then it is.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Metrodome roof report this afternoon

The metro dome committee is meeting this afternoon to get to cost of a new roof or to fix the old damaged one. To me i think they should just scrape the whole idea and renovate the old one. It will cost less then building a new one and it would provide a new look at the stadium. They stadium is old and really needs a make over and even if they decide to fix or replace the roof, they will be needing money from the tax payers so i think they should just go for the whole stadium. Majority of the Minnesotans will approve of the new stadium and it would happen if they just decide to go for it. To me there just delaying so then they will definitely get the stadium but i think they'll get it now if they purpose the idea. So i hope they get that it will cost more then they expected and decide to build or renovate the old one but we wont know till this afternoon.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ice fishing goes up scale on lake Mille lacs

I read this article and its about how ice fishing and how the sport has evolved through out the years. I really enjoyed the article because i love ice fishing and mille lacs is my favorite lake. I think its cool that only 80 years ago people would just walk out on to the lake and sit on buckets just to fish. They wouldnt be in shelters or have heaters they would just sit there. Now i am so accustom to shelters and heaters i wouldnt be able to sit outside and fish. The ice houses or permentant houses that are out on mille lacs are crazy. Its cool that you can sleep and practically live in theses houses. The best part is that your fishing the whole time too. Your on a lake and your doing the normal things you would be doing while at home but you sitting on a frozen lake with 3 feet of ice between you and the lake. I found this article cool and interesting even though i already do it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Goverment said theres no electrical flaw in toyota accelerater pedal

The article said that basically they found no electrical system that went wrong that would cause the accelerator pedal to get stuck. They said that nasa and mechanics found no evidence that would electrical systems are to blame.

To me its a good and bad thing that they found. One its good that its not electrical because now they know that their electrical systems are a OK and they can continue using those systems. The bad is that they still really haven't figured out what caused the accelerators to get stuck other then it getting caught up in the carpet. Which would be terrible if that is the real reason. The Toyota company is really struggling with all the resent recalls from this problem to the fuel pumps leaking gas. Toyota has been down in sales by 9% and its starting to not look good for the car company which once ruled the sales. American car company's have gone up since the recalls and all American car companies and starting to up sales.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ad notes:

We will watch Super Bowl commercials today in class.

What is the company? Chrysler, VW, Doritos

Who is the target audience: Male Drivers(25-50) Male drivers(20-30), young adults

What persuasive method used (humor, action, celebrity, human interest, etc.)? Celebrity, BA attitude, humor, kid, well known human, humor

How were camera shots and editing used to enhance the message? Shots of the city, car and celebrity, kid trying to use the force, star wars music, short clips and his costume, Short clips of house and cleaning

What is the slogan/message for the company? Imported from Detroit, New vw, chips work wonders

Was the message effective? Why or why not? Yes because it shows that they are truely trying to keep a American car company in America, Yes because its cute and its a newer technology with auto start, Yes because its funny that chips could do that.

Super bowl ads

The article i read said that the way all the ads are facing are adult males. The car commercials the Pepsi can hitting his friend in the crouch and the college licking off the others fingers for Doritos. With the car commercials and all the adult male humor it showed that they are targets males and that they want you to spend money on things by or with humor to get you to that point is what the article basically said.

Friday, February 4, 2011



Define “Broadcast Journalism” in 1-3 sentences.
To air current events, news and stories instantaneously through t.v. radio or internet. 

List and describe the six criteria of newsworthiness.

1.) Unusualness: something that is out of the ordianary and different, Ex: Heritage church in apple valley roof collapsed.

2.)Significance: important events that affects many people, Ex: election, taxes
3.)Timeliness: Old news isnt news, its history. Ex: People want to hear about the news when it happened

4.)Proximity: People want to know about things nearby. Ex: New taxes in the area, Local school gang

5.)Prominence: When well known people, places or buildings are involved that is news. Ex: If zach efron is arrested then that's important not if i am arrest

6.)Human interest: When its about ordinary people or animal, humorous interests, risk there lives for the better. Ex: Fire fighter saves a kitty out of a tree

What are the differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism?



How is the Internet impacting broadcast journalism?

Teen Wrestler dies after winning his match in Silverton, Oregon

This story is about a 17 year old wrestler that pinned his kid and after shaking hands with the kid and his coach he collapsed and died on the way off the mat. The high school paramedic tried to revive him before the ambulance showed up but to no luck.

Responds: This story i found was extremely interesting. Its so weird that something would happen like that without any signs of an illness. Wrestling a tough sport and i could see that maybe he had a heart attack after the match or a stroke. But i don't see how something like this would just come out of the blue like it did. I feel bad for his family that something would happen as sudden as it did but at least he past while doing something that he liked doing. It may sound bad but i think its kind of cool that he actually won the match before he collapsed.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

name quiz

Allen, Lucas H-swing dance
Blanchard, Derek J-cheerleader
Boese, Sara M-75%german
Brazelton, Keely R-32 siblings
Buchanan, Tiarra S-chowder
Carlson, Devony R-in a commerical
Cordova, Christian J-foreignsic scientist
Cox, Derrick D-RHS vehicle class
Devries, Peter T-Genius
Erickson, Nathaniel P-hole in one on par 3
Felker, Marisa L-Foreign exchange student of sweden
Fraki, Hannah R-Knits
Groskreutz, Jackson H-Role model is johnmenon
Jones, Nadia S-9 siblings
Kading, Caroline E-almost died in car accident sophmore year
Kane, William M-middle name(Max)
Lafontaine, Kristin D-hyperextented spine
Lesch, John R-Bagg pipes
Mcgroarty, Cody J-All-star cheerleading
Mitchell, Alexander C-Irish and scottish
Morrissey, Gretta E-whistle with hands in mouth
Pelant, Benjamin M-diabetes
Rasugu, Billy P-writes his own music
Reagles, Alex J-Hardcore snowboarder
Rosario, Brian L-going into the marines
Schiebel, Derek M-played baseball in cooperstown in 6th grade
Schlotfeldt, Katherine A-volcan knee
Smith, Madison B-Twist arm
Strusz, Ashley E-on tv
Sytchev, Vladislav-from russia
Thompson, Collin P-has a twin
Wangler, Matthew J-broke his nose
White, Hannah Y-Born in redwood
Wunderlich, Benjamin D-born in chicago on hottest day of year
Zemien, Brianna J-100% polish

States seek to copy Arizona immigration law

This story is about 15 states in the US that are pushing to get the Arizona immigration law passed in their own state. Arizona law said if any one seemed like they were not of the US they can be jailed until they are found legal or not. To me i believe that its unconstitional to some extent. I can see that if the person that you caught and jailed was actually a US citizen then i can see there being problems with racial profiling and so on. But i also believe that we do need something along the lines of this law. There is tons of illegal immigrants and the only way they are caught is if they are jailed for something else and then they get deported. So i think that we do need to step up our law inforcement on illegal immigrants but not in the way Arizona purposed. To me these other 15 states that are trying to get this law passed should revise it alittle to get it alittle more constitional to the immigrants that are here legally.